Our monthly Ordinary Meeting of Council was held on Wednesday 24 May 2023.

The full meeting agenda, supporting documents and video recording can be found on our website’s Meetings, Agendas and Minutes page (scroll down to Past Meetings and select the May meeting).

Key items discussed included:

Public Question Time included questions related to LPS hearings, fleet vehicles, Telstra tower, Dover Medical Centre and Fees and Charges.

Planning Reports:

  • Resolved (amended recommendation) – Planning Application (DA-210/2022) – Tourist Operation Comprising Art Installation, Visitor Centre/Café & Information Centre, Walking Track, Car Park, Services, Workshop, and amenities at ‘Ida Bay Railway’, 328 Lune River Road, Ida Bay (CT-238040/1) and for Infrastructure Works on part of 308 Lune River Road (CT-245028/1) Ida Bay, and within the Road Reservation of Lune River Road, Ida Bay and on part of Edwards Road, Ida Bay (PID 3391561).

General Reports:

  • General Manager’s Operational Report
  • Mayor Doyle Activities Report (April)
  • HVC Quick Grants List as at 1 May 2023
  • Quarter 3 Annual Plan Quarterly Implementation Report


Councillors had the opportunity to attend 4 workshops from 3 May to 17 May, including Aquatic Centres, Annual Plan and draft budget for FY 2023/2024.

Councillor Notices of Motion:

  • Cr Armstrong – Crown Land leases for public use as riverside parks along the Huon River from Southbridge to Judbury on the south side of the Huon River and from Ranelagh to Judbury on the north side be overturned.
  • Cr Jessop – Planning Authority and LPS Hearings
  • Cr Cambers-Smith – Integrated transport study

Open Reports:

  • Huon Valley Vision
  • Financial Report
  • Adoption of fees and charges for the 23/24 financial year

Items addressed in Closed Council:  

  • Notice of Motion, Cr Gibson
  • General Manager’s Operational Report
  • Leases Status Table April 2023
  • Local Government Association of Tasmania – Election 2023
  • Greg Norris Memorial Health Scholarship 2023