Huon Valley Council allocates annual funding to support environmental projects in the Huon Valley. Many of these projects are undertaken by volunteer members of environmental care groups such as Landcare, Coastcare, Wildcare, and to local landowners with an individual Landcare Tasmania membership and associated insurance.

Project Grants up to a Maximum of $4,000

Available to the above-mentioned groups to undertake on-ground works within the Huon Valley municipal area. Only one application per group, per year can be considered.

Support Grants up to a Maximum of $500

Available to the above-mentioned groups to undertake training or purchase equipment for the purpose of supporting the group’s activities. Training can include technical training, Workplace Health and Safety (first aid or other), governance training, or other relevant training (e.g. Landcare Conference). Only one application per group, per year can be considered.

A group may apply for a combined project and support grant to the value of $4,500.

Council’s NRM Coordinator can assist with project development and application preparation as well as providing advice and support for the duration of the group’s project.

Essential criteria

Essential criteria will firstly be assessed by the NRM Unit. The criteria must be met before any further consideration, and are as follows:

  • The activity must pose no risk to other environmental aspects.
  • The applicant must be part of, or sponsored by, a group registered with Landcare Tasmania or Wildcare; or be a Huon Valley landowner with an individual Landcare Tasmania membership.
  • Only one application per group, per year will be considered.
  • The project must align with Huon Valley Council’s NRM Strategic Objective 1: To protect and enhance natural land, coast and waterway systems and the flora and fauna that relies on them and the cultural and natural values within them.
  • The project site must lie at least partly within the Huon Valley Council municipal area.
  • Groups seeking funding for works on private land need to demonstrate public benefit.
  • The application must be administratively complete (including insurance details).
  • The applicant is required to fully disclose any other funding sources.
  • The applicant must consider what is required to undertake the project, and include reasonable timeframes to ensure the project is completed on schedule.
  • Consultation with local Aboriginal groups must be demonstrated with respect to potential impact on Aboriginal Heritage issues.
Assessment criteria (Project Grant):
  1. The applicant must outline the environmental outcomes expected as a result of the project.
  2. The applicant must demonstrate the extent of in-kind support and provide a minimum of 1:1 in-kind contribution (volunteer labour for example).
  3. The applicant must demonstrate value for money and details of broader community benefit.
  4. The applicant must demonstrate the group’s capacity to maintain outcomes.
Assessment criteria (Support Grant):
  1. The applicant must demonstrate how the equipment and/or training will support the group to undertake their work safely and to a high standard.
  2. The applicant must demonstrate the extent of expected increase in skills, ability and/or capacity of the group (how many members will be involved, how skills/knowledge will be transferred to members not involved).

For further information contact Council’s NRM Coordinator.