Living in the Huon Valley is an independent survey designed to better understand what our residents believe makes somewhere a good place to live and how well they feel that their local area is delivering. This activity is part of the initial phase in the development of Council’s new Community Vision and our long term strategic planning work.

The community survey will not only give us a sense as to how liveable residents of the Huon Valley believe their local area is overall, it will also tell us which individual attributes, for example, feeling safe, affordable decent housing, access to the natural environment, need to be maintained and improved to advance the liveability of our region.

Living in the Huon Valley also tells us how residents feel about their current and future health, well-being and personal financial security, concerns and ideas for improving quality of life. These views are important because they offer us a resident centric evidence base to inform, monitor and evaluate strategic planning and advocacy. By understanding our community on a deeper level helps us inform our community planning and advocacy work and provides us with a deep and representative understanding of the community’s values, experiences and needs across our region.

Over September and October we are collecting views of several hundred residents from all over the Valley. The Council contracted .id to undertake the survey. .id is a leading Australian demographic and economic consultancy servicing local government. More than 200 local governments across the nation work with .id.

Once collected, the survey responses will be analysed by .id and reported back to the Huon Valley Council in aggregate form in November 2021. No individual survey responses will be provided to council.

Further engagement will continue into the new year as we prepare to develop a new Community Vision with you, our community.

We invite you to participate in the survey.