Community Chat

Do you live in Glen Huon, Lonnavale or Judbury? Why not come along to our next Community Chat on Thursday 4 August at the Judbury Community Centre between 6-8pm. We want to hear what issues are most important to you. We are keen to create more face-to-face connection points between community and council.

Community Chats uses a world café style of engagement to create dialogue, discussion and explore positive outcomes and solutions. We will collate what we hear from those attending and provide responses back to the community following the session.

We look forward to having a conversation about things that matter to you and figure out a way forward together.

To register your place please visit Eventbrite.

The remaining Community Chats for 2022 are as follows:

  • Franklin, 15 September, Palais Theatre, 6-8pm. Register here.
  • Ranelagh & Lucaston, 24 November, Ranelagh Recreation Ground, 6-8pm. Register here.

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