Budget 2023/2024

Each year, the Council is responsible for preparing and adopting budget estimates for the coming financial year.  These estimates are prepared taking into account the Council’s Long-Term Financial Plan.  The Council also sets the level of rates and charges necessary to generate the income required to deliver the services detailed in the budget. Together these…

The Future of Local Government Review

Over the last 2 years extensive research, analysis, and engagement into the future role, functions, and design of Tasmania’s system of local government has been conducted. The Local Government Board handed the Minister for Local Government, Hon. Nic Street MP, the Final Report of the Future of Local Government Review on 17 November 2023. In…

Draft Huon Valley Land Use and Development Strategy

Community feedback on the Draft Land Use and Development Strategy is now CLOSED. Feedback is now closed. All feedback has been sent to the consultants for inclusion in the Land Use and Development Strategy. Community drop-in sessions During October and November 2023, Huon Valley Council hosted a number of community drop-in sessions to collect feedback…

Huon Valley Community Vision

Developing a vision for the Huon Valley The Huon Valley Community Vision is a guiding document for the growth and development of the Huon Valley region over the next 10 to 15 years. Once developed, it will inform future priorities and strategic decisions and play an important role in the development of Council plans and…

Living in the Huon Valley

Living in the Huon Valley is an independent survey designed to better understand what our residents believe makes somewhere a good place to live and how well they feel that their local area is delivering. This activity is part of the initial phase in the development of Council’s new Community Vision and our long term…

Huon Valley Aquatic Facilities Review

A review of the Port Huon Sports and Aquatic Centre and the Huonville Swimming Pool to ensure that all services offered are of high quality, responsive to community needs and delivered responsibly and efficiently. As part of this process, we invited current patrons, key stakeholders and user groups as well as the broader community to…