Tasmanian Planning Scheme

Update: 23 July 2024

The Tasmanian Planning Scheme maps as per the TPC decision are now available for public viewing on our GIS portal: TPS | Huon Valley (discovercommunities.com.au)

Please note that these maps are for reference purposes only. The Tasmanian Planning Commission will review them in the coming weeks to ensure the zones align with their directions.

Huon Valley Council has been given the direction from the Tasmanian Planning Commission that the Tasmanian Planning Scheme (Huon Valley Local Provision Schedule and State Planning Provisions) will take effect from Saturday, 20 July 2024.

A copy of this decision, which includes the final Huon Valley Local Provisions Schedule, can be found on the Tasmanian Planning Commission website: www.planning.tas.gov.au/assessments-and-hearings/current-assessments-and-hearings/lps-huo-tps

The Tasmanian Planning Commission will contact everyone who lodged a representation regarding the zoning of their land. If you have any questions around the decision, please contact the Tasmanian Planning Commission on (03) 6165 6828

Council has been advised that PlanBuild Tasmania and ListMap will be updated to reflect the new planning scheme in 4-6 weeks.

Media-Release-Council-directed-to-move-to-Tasmanian-Planning-Scheme.pdf (huonvalley.tas.gov.au)

Once the transition has happened, HVC will commence assessing planning assessments under the new Tasmanian Planning Scheme (TPS).

What does this mean for you?

If you already have a valid application under assessment at Council, there will be no change to your assessment process. Your valid application will still be assessed under the Interim Planning Scheme (IPS) which is the Scheme that was in place when you submitted your application.

Valid and Invalid Applications

If you have recently lodged an application, please make sure you pay the application fee when you receive the invoice. The date of payment can impact the date the application becomes valid.

There are also other requirements that inform whether an application is valid or not, these are listed here and are found under Section 6.1.2 of the TPS.

An application must include:

  1. A signed application form;
  2. Any written permission and declaration of notification required under s.52 of the Act and, if any document is signed by the delegate, a copy of the delegation;
  3. Details of the location of the proposed use or development;
  4. A copy of the current certificate of title for all land to which the permit sought is to relate, including the title plan; and
  5. A full description of the proposed use or development.

If you have lodged an application and been advised in writing by Council that it is not yet ‘valid’ – then the scheme (IPS or TPS) that is in effect once the application becomes valid will apply.

Please make sure you contact the planning officer on any correspondence you have received to discuss how to make your application valid.

Index - Appendices to the Draft LPS Supporting Report

11992Central Register Plan-Huon Valley Municipal Area (CPR-2469)
21996State Coastal Policy
31997State Water Quality Management Policy
41997Town Structure Plans for Townships (TBA Planners & Others)
51999HVC Minutes noting 1997 Land Use Town Strategies
62001Land Capability (Map 8211) - Derose Report
72001Land Capability Report - (Dispersive & Acidic soils)-Derose
82003Franklin Heritage Study (James Puustinen).
92003Franklin Township Plan - Inspiring Place
102007Council Minutes - Adoption of HVLUS (noting prior Township plans)
112007Huon Valley Land Use and Development Strategy (Exec Summary)(GHD)
122009Acid Sulfate Management Guidelines
132009Dispersive Soils and Management Technical Reference Manual
142009 Dispersive Soils and their Management -Guidelines
152009State Policy - Protection of Agricultural Land (PAL Policy)
162010Cygnet Township Plan - endorsed August 2010 (Inspiring Place)
172010Geeveston Masterplan (Terrior Consultants) 20.015
182010Tasmanian Coastal Works Manual
192010Southern Tasmania Regional Land Use Strategy 2010-2035
202010Tasmanian Open Space Policy and Planning Framework – Summary
212011Huonville-Ranelagh Structure Plan (Urbis)
222011Background STRLUS Reports - Project (No.1) & Land Hazards (No. 6)
232011Southern Tasmania Industrial Land Study – Stage 1, Final Report (SGS)
242011STRLUS - Background Report No. 7: Productive Resources
252012Franklin Heritage Area Assessment Study (G Corney)
262013Huon Heritage Review (Stage 1)- Existing Items (P Davies)
272013Southern Tas Industrial Land Strategy (Part 2)(SGS)-Final
282014Huon Valley Council 2014 Information Sheet Tunnel Erosion
302015Huon Valley Economic Development Strategy-2015-2020
312016Flood Report-Huonville -Submission - BOM
322016Heritage Park Geeveston Site Development Plan 15.006
332016Huon Valley NRM Strategy (17.058.16)
342016Summary of Regional Ecosystem Model-REM (Knight & Cullen)
352017Agricultural Land Mapping Project -Background Report
362017Huon River Flood Resilience Study Report - Entura 19.020
372017Ministerial Statement - Transitional arrangements -PPU
382018Bushfire-prone Areas Mapping-Planning Report-Huon Valley LGA-TFS
392018Decision Tree and Guidelines - Agriculture & Rural Zones (AK Consultants)
402018Guidelines for Identifying Areas of Interest (AK Consultants)
412018Guidelines for Scenic Values Assessment Methodology
422018Huon Valley Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2018
432018Kermandie River Flood Study - Entura 19.020
442018Mountain River Flood Study - Entura 19.020
452018Priority Vegetation Area Overlay (LP1.7.5)(vsn10.5.18-R Knight)
462018Skinners Creek Flood Study - Entura 19.020
472018Huon Valley Arts and Culture Strategy 2018-2022 (amended)
482018Huon Valley Weed Management Strategy (2018-2023)
492018Local Heritage Review, Gray Planning
502018Guideline No.1 - Local Provisions Schedule Zone and Code Application
512019Huonville-Ranelagh Master Plan (Master Plan)(endorsed 17-4-2019)
522019Ranelagh Recreation Ground Master Plan (endorsed 27-5-2020)
532019Stormwater System Management Plan (endorsed 11-12-2019)
542019Huon Valley Council Decision - draft 2019 version of LPS
552020Huon Valley Community Plan 2020
562020Huon Valley Recreation Plan 2020 (endorsed 8-2020)
572020Cygnet Residential Demand and Supply Analysis (SGS)
582021Huon Valley Council Climate Change Strategy
592021Draft Huon Valley LPS – version sent to the Commission on 24 May 2021
602021Draft LPS Map Index, maps and overlays sent to Commission on 24 May 2021
612021Draft Huon Valley LPS – List of properties (version: November 2021)
622021Council Minutes – STRLUS amendment decision (31 March 2021)
632021Post Lodgement Documentation (Attachments 1, 2, 3, *4 & 5) (*the former version of the draft LPS considered at Council’s meeting on 22 May 2021)
642021Draft Notice under Section 35(5)(b) and Schedule 6, Clauses 8C(5)(a) and 8D(9)(a) of the LUPPA issued to the Planning Authority together with:
•Attachment A; and
•Attachment B.
652021Draft Huon Valley LPS submitted to the Commission (version: November 2021)
662021Draft LPS maps and overlays (version: November 2021)

Planning Reform

The Tasmanian government is reforming the State’s planning system by introducing a single planning scheme for the State – the Tasmanian Planning Scheme.

This process started a number of years ago.

In 2014 amendments were made to the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 (LUPAA) that enabled the Council as a Planning Authority to commence the process of implementing the Huon Valley Interim Planning Scheme 2015, which became effective on 31 August 2015.

Further amendments were made to the LUPAA effective from 17 December 2015 for the introduction of a single planning scheme for the State – the Tasmanian Planning Scheme (TPS).

These amendments enabled the State Planning Provisions to be implemented and commenced in 2017.

Tasmanian Planning Scheme

The Tasmanian Planning Scheme comprises two parts:

  • The State Planning Provisions (SPPs), and
  • The Local Provisions Schedules (LPSs)

Further information

Huon Valley draft Local Provisions Schedule, maps and overlays (LPS)

The Council, as planning authority, has been responsible for preparing the draft LPS for the Huon Valley municipal area.

The draft LPS includes zone and code provisions and overlay maps, local area objectives, particular purpose zones, specific area plans, site-specific qualifications, and other local planning provisions.

Current provisions of the LUPAA and some former provisions of the LUPAA that applied before 17 December 2015, apply to the draft LPS and its preparation and its content.

Structure and form of the LPS

The draft LPS is required to be in accordance with the structure and form set out in the Local Provisions Schedule Requirements (LP1.0) of the SPPs, Guideline No.1 – Local Provisions Schedule Zone and Code Application and relevant Practice Notes issued by the Commission.

Further information is set out below and also on the Commission website about these requirements.

Huon Valley Draft Local Provisions Schedule (LPS-HUO-TPS)

At its meeting on 22 May 2019 the Planning Authority endorsed a previous version of the draft LPS.

Following that decision, the former draft LPS was referred to the Commission for its consideration.

The Commission then arranged for post lodgement conferences to be held in 2019 with Council officers to discuss the draft LPS documentation and maps submitted to the Commission.

The agenda of these conferences are displayed on the Commission’s website.

Another conference was held in January 2021.

The Council (as planning authority) endorsed a revised version of the draft Huon Valley Local Provisions Schedule (draft LPS) at its meeting on 19 May 2021.

In May 2021 after the meeting, the draft LPS, maps and overlays were sent to the Tasmanian Planning Commission (Commission).

The draft LPS was on exhibition during 24 January 2022 and 28 March 2022.

The Council (as planning authority) submitted a section 35F report and copies of all representations to the Commission.

The Commission’s public hearings were held between 4 April 2023 and 16 February 2024.


The Council received 415 representations throughout the public exhibition period in early 2022 which raised several issues and concerns around the Draft LPS, particularly the application of the Landscape Conservation Zone and the Agriculture Zone.

Follow this link to find the Council meeting report and attachments, including Council’s position regarding each representation:

Attachments – OneDrive

Council has acknowledged that the Huon Valley has unique topography, land title structure (with a large proportion of lots between 1ha and 10ha in size), historical land use and a broad Valley landscape that makes application of the Landscape Conservation Zone difficult.

Part of the new council’s process for the progression of the 35F report, was the development of principles related to the application of the Landscape Conservation Zone and the Agricultural Zone.

These principles can be viewed on pages 12, 13 and 20 of the section 35F report (link provided above) and were put to the Tasmanian Planning Commission for consideration.