
The Council’s Development Services Unit is required to determine the engineering merits of development proposals to be able to properly consider an application for approval. Subdividers, together with their Land Surveyor and/or Consulting Engineer are strongly encouraged to attend a preliminary meeting with the relevant Council staff to review and refine initial concepts for the subdivision. This will help to identify and resolve any issues prior to the application being made, and will ensure a more timely and satisfactory result for the subdivider, Council and the community.

Subdivisions involving new roads, drainage infrastructure, or any asset to be taken over by Council should be designed and constructed in accordance with the “Tasmanian Subdivision Guidelines“.

Before you do anything, please note the following important points:

  • In certain circumstances the development of an area wide outline development plan may be required, particularly where connectivity between areas of land is important or not clear. It is important that these issues are discussed with the Council’s planning and engineering departments at an early stage
  • For the initial submission please submit 1 full set of hard copy (A3) drawings as well as 1 full PDF set of drawings and specifications. The drawings are to show the following for all lots (including the balance);
    • Dimensions and areas of all lots,
    • Location and use of any buildings, including setbacks to proposed lot boundaries,
    • Details of how land in the vicinity is used (for example residential, quarry, forestry, orchard etc),
    • Contours in Australian Height Datum (AHD)
    • Details of any existing vegetation on the site and adjoining land, and details of the extent of vegetation disturbance proposed including species names (if required),
    • The position of any existing or proposed vehicular access, including dimensioned sight distance,
    • Any road improvements or new road works,
    • Any existing and proposed water, sewer and stormwater services and easements including capacity details and connections,
    • Existing natural drainage lines, water courses and wetlands,
    • Any proposed public open space, or communal space or facilities,
    • Proposed methods for the minimisation of erosion and runoff during and after construction and for preventing contaminated storm water being discharged from the site,
    • Any existing and proposed telecommunication and electricity services and easements, and
    • A true north point