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Cygnet Town Hall Lift Project


Council received funding through the second phase Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program. Council had  identified the Cygnet Town Hall lift project as a project that would benefit the community.

The lift will make it easier for people of all ages and abilities to come to events held upstairs, such as exhibitions and social functions. For exhibitioners, artists, caterers and users of the Hall upstairs, this means access for all of their equipment and work can now be moved safely via the lift, making the Hall as a hire venue much more attractive beyond those living and working in the Huon Valley.

March 2023

The lift is installed, and this project is now completed.

May 2022

The work on the Cygnet Lift has unfortunately been delayed due to manufacturing delays and this project in now expected to be completed by July 2022.

December 2021

Work has commence on the installation of the lift in the Cygnet Town Hall.

Project Cycle

  1. Building permit submitted
  2. Approvals granted
  3. Lift ordered
  4. Construction commences
  5. Project complete